by Jerome Paige | Dec 8, 2020 | Featured, Guest Contributor, The 1960s Project
PEGGY BEECHAM Class of 1966 From birth, my journey as a baby boomer through my formative years, through young adulthood, and now into my mature status as a retired senior is fairly typical of many African American peers. My life ran parallel to and was shaped by the...
by Jerome Paige | Dec 7, 2020 | WOJM-SM
Click Here To See The Menu of Bar + Bean (Black Owned in DC) Kale Salad Mixed Salad Lasagna w/Beyond Meat BBQ JackFruit Sandwich Baked Beans Grilled Vegetables Spicy Lemonade Pineapple Ginger Vegan Banana Pudding Like & Follow My FB Page: Click Here View &...
by Jerome Paige | Dec 6, 2020 | The 1960s Project, WOJM-SM
It’s Day 3 of my weekend birthday celebration. On Day 1, I walked for 73 minutes to honor my 73rd birthday. On Day 2, I tried to acknowledge all the best wishes I received. That was fun thinking about you and our “friendships.” Also, Gina brought...
by Jerome Paige | Dec 5, 2020 | The 1960s Project, WOJM-SM
It’s Day 2 of my weekend birthday celebration. Yesterday, I walked for 73 minutes to honor my 73rd birthday. Also, I tried to acknowledge all the best wishes I received. That was fun thinking about you and our “friendships.” I’ll continue doing...
by Jerome Paige | Dec 1, 2020 | Featured, Guest Contributor, The 1960s Project
LOUIS HICKSClass of 1969“To get a good job, get a good education. Go to college.” This commercial repeatedly aired when I was watching my favorite television shows as an adolescent. I was born in Austin, Texas, and grew up in the Austin Housing Authority’s Rosewood...