Work with Me


So you’re asking yourself:

How can Jerome assist me when he has so much on his mind?

He can assist you because he has over 40 years of experience and expertise. Consequently,  Dr. Paige and his team are able to share and apply their unique perspectives.

JSP&A’s clients include law firms, governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, businesses, and individuals.

Groups and individuals periodically experience a gap between their current (as-is) and desired (to-be) states

We help our clients understand their two states. Then, we identify and recommend actions and activities they can undertake to “close the gap.”

We also emphasize there’s no end to the process in that tomorrow’s “to-be” state will eventually become an “as-in” one since we live in a dynamic environment. There will always be an “N+1 State” and organizations and individuals are always “in transition.” “New Normals” will constantly unfold.

Visit the Jerome S. Paige & Associates’ professional website to review our specialties:


We estimate economic damages for plaintiffs and defendants. For example:

  • Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
  • Wrongful Dismissal
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Loss of Profits
  • Products (for example, “lead”)

Business & Financial Analysis
We validate underlying economic and business assumptions

  • Scenario Testing of
    • Key benchmarks
    • Revenue targets
    • Profit & loss goals
  • Examples of valuations
    • Renewable energy start up
    • Office Products
    • Telecommunications
    • Broadband
    • Speciality Ice  Cream


We offer meditation workshops. Their focus (i) what meditation is and (ii) the uses of meditation.  Here is an example:

  • Learning Meditation & About It: A Four-Part Series

This workshop guides participants through an exploration of “why meditation,” various meditation techniques, and selected subjects that arise during an examination of meditation, like: clinging, resiliency, who/what am I, and Witnessing Awareness. 

Examples of the types of questions we explore are:

  • What happens in a meditation session?
  • What am I doing when I’m meditating?
  • How do I use my mind to investigate my mind?

Listen to samples of meditations in the “recordings” section.


We offer organizational development workshops.

Our organizational development practice extends to the “gig worker” and “self-employed,” as well.

For organizations and individuals, we offer guidelines for coping in our  “post-world” —  post-job; post-retirement; post-Institutional, post-economic security, post-equitable.

We highlight that (i) out of the old, Phoenix-like, the new will arise and (ii) organizations and individuals must be prepared to survive and thrive in the “next thing.”

Organizations and individuals  can reach this “new place” by being

  • Mission Driven

By articulating a clear sense of purpose that is widely understood

  • Outcomes/Results Based

By satisfying  customers — to drive or change their behavior

  • Change Focused

By matching the rate of organizational change to the rate of environmental change

  • Future Oriented

By anticipating change and to create organizational adaptability

  • Performance Based

By translating vision & strategy into a set of organizational behaviors

Organizational Development Services:

  • Purpose, Trust & Personal Responsivity
  • Strategic Planning
  • Performance Measurement & Management
  • Business Case Development
  • Facilitation – Communication & Team Building
    • 5 Behaviors of an Effective Team® Certified Trainer
    • DiSC® Certified Trainer


Regulatory Economics & Proceedings

We assess the claimed economic benefits and of parties in proceedings.

Types of Issues

  • Claimed benefits of
    • Pepco/Exelon Merger
    • Advanced Meeting Infrastructure (Smart Grid)
  • Rate Design, particularly related to low-income ratepayers

Types of Clients

  • DC Office of the People’s Counsel (OPC)
  • DC Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE)
  • DC Public Service Commission (OPC)

Energy Policy & Planning

  • We develop workable energy plans and policies.
    • DC Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE)
    • Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG)
    • DC Office of the People’s Counsel
    • DC Public Service Commission
  • Sample Projects
    • Comprehensive energy plans
    • Performance of sustainable energy utilities
    • Program Evaluations
    • Advanced Metering Infrastructure/Smart Grid
    • Bill Stabilization: Decoupling Firm Revenues from Energy Usage