by Jerome Paige | Jun 5, 2020 | DiSC...Strategic Planning....Communications.....Team Building, Organizational Development Expeditions
JSP&A Strategic Planning Maturity Model (SP-MM) I am a fan of “stages of development models” or “maturity models.” Below is a model that we have developed. We base our model on our experiences with the HCWDC and other clients. We use this model to...
by Jerome Paige | Jun 5, 2020 | DiSC...Strategic Planning....Communications.....Team Building, Organizational Development Expeditions
New from Everything DiSC®! Introducing Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™, a classroom training and personalized learning experience that teaches participants to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly. Contact me to learn how you can...
by Jerome Paige | Jun 5, 2020 | Meditation: A Gateway Knowing, Being & Action..., Mind/Body/Spirit/Shadow Explorations
June 5, 2020…. 85 classes in 75 days…. This is a “personal best.”…. In the Summer 2013, I completed 71 classes in 75 Days. Back then, I had fallen off my bike and fractured my left elbow and ring finger. My goal was to practice every day...
by Jerome Paige | Jun 5, 2020 | DiSC...Strategic Planning....Communications.....Team Building, Forensic Economics Investigations, Organizational Development Expeditions
DiSC® provides lawyers quick guides to understand what drives jurors by observing their behaviors. A juror’s observable behavior is what they do and how they do it; what they say and how they say it; what they write and how they write it; and what they express and how...