Music invites us to hear the past and respond in the present to create a new future –The Meditativist

Gary Bartz’s Sound of the Spirit of Struggle

In our Spiritual Jazz Jam session on May 15, 2024, we explored (i) how The Gary Bartz NTU Troop’s music included concepts like NTU, Ju Ju, Uhuru Sasa, and Sifa Zone and reflected the spirit and struggles of the 1970s social movements and (ii) how it continues to resonate in modern movements for social change. 


1970s: Derived from Bantu philosophy, NTU emphasizes unity and the interconnectedness of all beings and things. It resonated deeply with civil rights activists in the 1970s who sought to unify disparate groups under the common cause of equality and justice.

Today: NTU’s message of interconnectedness bolsters global solidarity movements and social activism, reinforcing that the fight for justice anywhere enhances justice everywhere, such as in movements like Black Lives Matter.

Ju Ju

1970s: Ju Ju refers to a traditional African spiritual belief in mystical powers derived from objects, symbolizing empowerment and reclaiming African heritage. These symbols were crucial for affirming African American identity and resisting systemic oppression during the 1960s and 1970s social protest era.

Today: The reclaiming and affirmation of cultural identity remain crucial in contemporary social movements, using cultural revival to resist erasure and promote inclusivity.


Uhuru Sasa

1970s: Meaning “freedom now” in Swahili, Uhuru Sasa was a direct call to action, echoing the urgency of civil rights demands and rallying for immediate change against longstanding racial injustices.

Today: The demand for immediate and tangible change continues to be relevant, as seen in protests against racial injustice and police brutality, with “Freedom now” still a potent demand in the ongoing struggle to end systemic racism and achieve substantive equality.

Sifa Zone

1970s: Sifa, meaning praise in Swahili, celebrated African culture and achievements, affirming the value and contributions of Black culture during the social protest era as a form of resistance against dominant narratives that devalued or ignored them.

Today: Celebrating cultural achievements and ongoing praise for leaders and martyrs in the fight for equity and justice are vital. They strengthen community bonds and fortify the resolve to continue advocating social change.


By integrating these concepts into his music, Gary Bartz provided a soundtrack to the civil rights movements of the 1970s. 

He created a lasting legacy that supports and inspires current and future generations engaged in the struggle for justice. 

These concepts bridge the gap between past and present, demonstrating that while specific issues may evolve, the underlying demand for justice and unity remains timeless. 

The continuity of struggle and celebration underscores the enduring relevance of Bartz’s music and message in today’s social movements. And how Bartz’s music can help liberation and freedom happen.

If music can mirror the past and mold the future, what worlds do we create when we listen to the echoes of liberation in Gary Bartz’s compositions? The Meditativist

Also, check out other posts from this Series: 

Spirit of 76