by admin | Dec 22, 2022 | 75 Breaths, Featured, The Spirit of 76, WOJM-SM
I continued trying to count my abdominal breaths down from 75 to zero. It seems like all I’m doing is watching my mind switch from one thought to the next. I spend time just watching my mind do its things and being discursive. Sometimes, I watch quite a show....
by admin | Dec 21, 2022 | 75 Breaths, Featured, The Spirit of 76, WOJM-SM
Today, I spent less time trying “to count” by abdominal breaths. Sometimes, “counting” is damn near impossible. My mind is all over the place. It resists being reined in and focused, as I’m fond of saying to other practitioners. That’s the practice. I practice...
by admin | Dec 20, 2022 | 75 Breaths, Featured, The Spirit of 76, WOJM-SM
I returned to counting my breaths, starting at 75 and ending at zero. My mind settled on the air moving into and out of my nostrils. I explored some of the “body sensations” associated with breathing. As I was doing this, I was reminded that I had recorded a...
by admin | Dec 19, 2022 | 75 Breaths, Featured, The Spirit of 76, WOJM-SM
I’ve been exploring and focusing on the “space” between my in-breath and my out-breath. I start my “counting” at “75.” I locate the space between an in- and out-breath – 75. I note the in-breath and then “the space” before the...
by admin | Dec 18, 2022 | 75 Breaths, Featured, The Spirit of 76, WOJM-SM
Again, if we treat The Yoga Sutras as a stages model, Stage 4 is Pranayama. It focuses on the breath and breathing. In this stage, the breathing exercises (i) suspend the flow of breath and (ii) Increase life energy. According to the Sutras, there’re four kinds...
by admin | Dec 17, 2022 | 75 Breaths, Featured, The Spirit of 76, WOJM-SM
I’ve been experimenting with “alternate nostril breathing.” Breathe in through the left nostril, 75. Breathe out through the left nostril, 74. Breathe in through the left nostril, 73. Breathe out through the nostril, 72. Continue this process until...